一開始呢位網友WDW1974 為HKDL 辯護~ 依家一日已經玩唔晒~ 可能一開幕果陣係好少野玩~ 不過佢今年8月黎ge 時候相比開幕多左幾個新attraction 開~ 亦加入好多entertainment~ 佢冇玩到Fland 轉轉三寶~ 冇玩WTP~ 冇玩史迪仔同AA~ 都用唔晒時間~
"HKDL IS a FULL day park. That's a 10-9 day with August hours.......I spent a full day at HKDL and did NOT see it all. You read that right. Never made it on four Fantasyland attractions (Pooh, Dumbo, Tea Cups and Carousel). For the sake of honesty, I also didn't ride any of the Main Street vehicles. Nor did I see the Stitch Encounter show (which I really wanted to, unlike the others) or the (only in Chinese) Animation Academy. "
仲開名稱讚Space Mountain 同IASW 係全球最好ge 版本~ (佢未玩更新後ge TDL Space mountain)
"As a matter of fact, I'll state right here that their versions of Space Mountain and It's a Small World are the two best in the world right now (having admittedly not seen TDL's yet). I'll also add that Jungle Cruise while not better than its stateside siblings is a very good, unique take on an old favorite. The shows are on par with the very best in Disney theme park entertainment. The parades (two of them) are very well done. And the fireworks are great."
佢覺得HKDL 氣氛同其他DL 唔同~ 有d 野缺少左~ 尤其Main Street~ 雖然做得detail~ 不過唔能夠令到你置身十九世紀ge 美國~ 有好多小賣店都冇左~ 欠缺一種氣氛說服你進入左另一個世界...
"You walk out onto Main Street and it feels like Main Street in Anaheim ... even nicer brick pavers and flowers in Town Square ... yet it all feels smaller. Lacking that certain something."
城堡後面座山令到HKDL 有一個其他DL 永遠都學唔到ge 童話景象~ 不過到依家城堡仍然係一座龐大ge 裝飾品~ 入面乜都冇!!

"The view of Sleeping Beauty Castle with the mountains rising up is where you stop and say 'this can be a world class park IF ...' There's a natural beauty element added to the fantasy elements that simply has no peer at other MKs..............but the castle is the only one that has NOTHING of substance to it. No attraction. No dining facility. No shops. Nothing to see. Nada. Zippo. Zero. It is just a big castle facade. You wouldn't even know who it was themed to except for a small (and very easily missed) sculpture of Aurora and her prince to the left of the courtyard."
以下呢個之前小弟都有講過... 向香港大陸人教育迪士尼文化~ 呢個係官方責任~ 唔係因為香港人唔buy magic 所以就放棄唔再sell magic~ 咁不如拆左成個Fantasyland la~ 政府白痴你就要俾佢舞到自己公司個brand 不倫不類??
"One thing you'll hear by the spinmeisters is that Disney had to ... that no one knows its characters ... there's no brand recognition ... that the locals have to be 'taught' about Disney."
"Maintenance was spectacular. The entire park looked as if it had just opened yesterday. The ONLY exception was a wall in Space Mountain' queue that had seen better days. "
所有人都知道HKDL 係一個好高質素ge park~ 依家只係欠缺大型設施~ 所以d 人會湧晒去OP~ 只係因為OP 多野玩~ 佢再list 返1999年最初藍圖同依家對比... 冇左兩個land 十幾項設施... 唉~ 擴建係救HKDL 唯一出路~!
"Clearly, Disney knows this park's biggest issue is a lack of attractions. What is there is, again, very high quality. But there isn't enough for people who know that Disney means Pirates and Mansion and Peter Pan and Snow White and Splash Mountain etc ... etc ... and they do know. That is why they'll flock to the local park (Ocean Park) which has a whole lot more to offer, even if the quality is closer to a Six Flags than a Disney (and on this I am just going on what I've been told as I didn't go there)."
依家唔夠野玩ge 時候官方只好充數... City Hall 都當係attraction... 當人係傻...
"But what HKDL needs most is simply major, signature (i.e. costly) Disney attractions. They now list 28 attractions on the current park map, but the actual number is about half that. Telling people that the rafts to Tarzan's Treehouse and Tarzan's treehouse are separate attractions isn't fooling anyone and calling City Hall, the Liki Tikis and the Pass Processing Center 'attractions' is simply insulting to guests."
佢仲點名稱讚當日布教授商店入面CM Chloe (不過佢係戴左另一位CM nametag..) 該名CM 如果睇到呢篇~ 請繼續努力!!
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