Ho will be responsible for developing and implementing Hong Kong Disneyland's sales strategies. Her primary responsibilities will be theme park attendance, hotel occupancy and developing new business to enhance the Resort's performance. Ho will also oversee travel trade and MICE (meetings, incentives, conference and expositions) programs, including travel trade marketing campaigns as well as the Resort's Hong Kong reservations call center.
Ho will serve as a member of the Hong Kong Disneyland Executive Steering Committee and report to Claire Bilby, Senior Vice President of Sales for Disney Destinations' Asia Pacific region.
Prior to joining the Disney team, Ho served as Senior Vice President of Destination Marketing for Venetian Macau Limited, and before that, was General Manager, Tourism Marketing for the Hong Kong Tourism Board.
"We are very excited to welcome Aliana to our Disney team," said Kam. "Her vast depth of experience in tourism sales and trade marketing in this region will help us to continue our momentum of growth."

迪士尼公園噚日宣布,請咗曾經喺威尼斯人(澳門 )股份有限公司做旅遊市場發展高級副總裁、又曾經喺旅發局出任旅遊推廣總經理嘅何陳美虹,做迪士尼銷售及旅遊市務副總裁。何太主要工作係要提高樂園的入場人次、酒店入住率,仲要拓展新業務,同時會統領埋旅遊市務同會議、展覽、企業會議同獎勵旅遊嘅業務,仲要睇埋樂園訂房中心。
呢期HKDL 挖親角果班全部都大有來頭咁wo~~ 咁積極求變! 但其實我又唔係對威尼斯人d 推廣有好深刻印象.... 最多咪就係太陽劇團.... 拓展新業務... 請係市區重開Disney Store~ 謝謝!!