Main Street USA serves as the dramatic entryway to the park. Here guests will immediately take a step back in time to Main Street USA which will capture the excitement, friendliness and energy of a community gathering place. Designed after an old-fashioned small town, Main Street includes shops and restaurants and serves as the stage for live entertainment and parades as well as special events celebrating the local culture.
Main Street 冇野唔同~ 畢竟都係copy 加州條main street 唔應該有野cut~
Tomorrowland is a world of the future, filled with sci-fi fantasies and soaring space adventures. Here guests will journey to infinity and beyond as they join Buzz Lightyear to save the universe from the evil Emperor Zurg or blast off on a high-speed journey into outer space and pilot their own spinning spacecraft. They might also take a leisurely drive through the landscape of tomorrow and frolic in a futuristic water fountain.
最完整都係Tomorrowland~ Buzz Lightyear 有... Space Mountain 有... Orbitron 有~ 連Autopia 同UFO zone 都提及過~ 依家我地仲多左個Stitch Encounter~!! 唔好忘記Tland 三個新設施係2006年開放~ 最貼近Opening date~ 所以經歷多次變遷後Tland 仍然以原貌示人~
其他land 就......
Fantasyland is the magical home of Disney animated characters and stories. Here guests can fly to Neverland with Peter Pan, take a spin in a teacup, play in the undersea world with the Little Mermaid, and even climb aboard colorfully decorated horses on an old fashioned carousel.
由以上呢段我地可以知道Fantasyland 原本係有plan 過起Peter Pan's Flight 同the Little Mermaid~ 不難發現the Little Mermaid 個dark ride 經過好多次胎死腹中~ 原先呢個ride 係design 俾dlp 開幕禮物~ 到HKDL 開幕... WDI 同樣都想送呢份禮物俾我地~ 但係最尾都因為種種原因cut 左~ 得返Winnie the Pooh~ 而Ariel 就以另一姿態係美國登陸~~!

Adventureland is a thrilling journey to exotic regions of exploration, adventure and discovery. Here guests will leave the safe haven of a North African Bazaar and venture into a wild untamed world or take a roller coaster ride through a dark jungle filled with mysterious surprises. They can explore an ancient dinosaur archeological site, voyage to a whole new world aboard a soaring magic carpet or experience a live show featuring the music and characters from Disney classics such as the "The Lion King."
Adventureland 有Roller Coaster~?? 所以點解d 人一直都話會起TDS 個Raging Spirits~ 再加上我地JRC 最尾個水火神一幕... 令到1999年公佈ge 過山車描述同TDS 雙神過山車更貼切~!

另一個就係恐龍挖掘遺址~ 呢個係DAK 個Dinoland 都有~ (大家都應該知道HKDL 個Aland 同其他樂園Aland 設計有好大分別~ 因為我地係偏向搬Animal Kingdom 過黎~)

所以亦有人認為... 1999年原設中Aland 有過山車之說... 以下呢張恐龍過山車都可能係屬於香港~ (恐龍同雙神兩個其中一個~)

最後就係Aladdin 的magic carpet~ Magic Kingdom 中Adventureland 有~ WDS 中Toon Studio 又有~ 岩岩TDS 亦公佈左起呢個轉轉設施~ 原本HKDL 入面都有plan 過起~ 不過可能正如大家話齋... 個park 太多轉轉~ 我真係唔知... 慳位ge 機動遊戲其實真係冇乜幾多種玩法... 俾你揀你要轉轉定要U型??
Lion King 保得住~~!! 不幸中之大幸~
上面Fland 同Aland 改變相當大?? 仲有兩個land 直頭被人斬殺~
Frontierland is a walk right into the American Old West of the 1880s. Here park guests explore a frontier outpost at Fort Comstock. They might also take a frightfully funny trip through a haunted mansion, shoot the rapids on a river raft ride, or experience for themselves just how tough it is to be a bug in a one-of-a-kind show.
Frontierland 係經歷最大浩劫ge 一個區域~~! 乜都唔好講..... Haunted Mansion!!! 單係cut 左hm 呢個決定已經係令到hkdl 開幕被人嫌棄ge 最大因由~ 仲有river raft ride~ 有消息人士話HKDL 原本會起DCA 個Grizzly River Run~ (其實DCA 都好慘~ GRR 原本有好多Animatronics~ 臨尾突然出狀況cut 晒d Animatronics... 得返激流個軀殼~ 寧願佢唔起好過~)

當然有Frontierland 都已經suppose 會有Big Thunder Mountain~ BTM 加GRR 加HM... 喂.... 覺唔覺得呢個組合好熟口熟面??? 咪就係我地新擴建plan~! BTM 加GRR 個故事同標誌.... 合併成Grizzly Trail.....

仲有Haunted Mansion 變奏版... 變成Mystic Point~!

又唔好忘記Frontierland 除左BTM 外仲有另一個icon~ 已經起左係Aland 度~ 就係木筏同樹屋~ WDI 將Frontierland 拆件放係HKDL 不同角落.... 諗黎諗去結果都係起返同一堆野~! 唔係想踩WDI 冇新意~ 相反我好佩服佢地呢份堅持同執著!!! 係好事黎~! 不過就真係用左我地幾多地方去補起返Frontierland..... Anyway... 擴建完成後Frontierland 就真真正正還返俾我地~ 10周年先叫可以還原返開幕個規模~~! (如果2014擴建plan 完結前再公佈下個plan~)
仲有It's Tough to Be a Bug 3D 都cut 走左~ 不過我對呢個ok... 因為有PhilharMagic 補數~
Toontown is a wacky upside-down world where the beloved Disney characters live and play. Here guests might be transported into a three dimensional cartoon and meet one-on-one with Mickey Mouse. They will stroll through Minnie’s house, bounce off the walls at Goofy’s house, climb around Donald’s boat or zip through the Toontown countryside on a whimsical roller coaster.
ToonTown 係第二個cut 走左ge 區域~ 證據仍然留左係park 度... 我地火車Fantasyland Station 就係ToonTown 外貌~ 因為原本呢度就係ToonTown 入口~ 除左Meet & Greet ... 又有個小型過山車~ 但自從HKDL 宣佈起TSL... 同MK 拆ToonTown 後... 我估我地會再起TT ge 機會係微乎其微.......
1999年原本個plan 就係咁~ 但係直至2005年... 甚至之後所出現ge 計畫都有變化.... 下次同大家重溫中間不斷變化ge 計畫~
原本諗過四月一先post 呢篇.... 但又唔想大家期待我每個月一號一定會update 一篇~ 所以今日post 出黎~ 之後會不定期更新五周年特輯~