證明WDC 都有計畫要將Star Wars 呢個brand 分享到全世界~ 但係WDC 同HKDL 有plan 都唔等如最終一定會成事... 因為HKDL 有個大股東~ 而早幾年大家都見證過香港政府係有能力去拒絕 / 否決任何一個好ge idea~ Pirates Coast 已經落入上海迪士尼手中冇得再係香港出現~ 而Glacier Bay 仲未知道會唔會再次俾返香港迪士尼~
近日係Disney And More blog 見到一篇有關HKDL Star Wars ge 傳聞~ 有人send email 要求香港政府拒絕Star Tours~
In a previous update i told you that Star Tours 2 was supposed to come at HKDL Tomorrowland, but from what i've been told some people are against this idea and are doing some kind of lobbying to the HKDL government. Hong Kong Government is likely to reject the idea of Star Tours 2, and apparently this is due to the lack of exclusive elements of the ride itself (for HKDL). Of course this doesn't have any sense and i've been asked to tell to my overseas readers to express their view and their support to have Star Wars 2 coming to HKDL to the Hong Kong government. If you wish to do so please send an email to: citbenq@cedb.gov.hk at the attention of Mr Gregory So, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development.
其實都係表達意見姐~ 但係人地外國Star Wars fans 都想為香港迪士尼出一分微力ge 時候~ 身為香港人點可以坐視不理呢?? 如果嫌棄Star Tours 唔夠original 同獨有ge 話~ 其實我地同樣都可以send email 俾政府支持Star Wars 但加入獨有元素~ 香港迪士尼有好多ride 都係經典而獨有~ Autopia 用電動車~ JRC 最尾上帝狹谷~ 其實只要有一定程度ge 改變~ 呢個版本足以獨有~ 畢竟Tomorrowland 呢個位比較細~ 要起ride 的確係受到一定限制...
雖然update 版可能有其他park 跟住upgrade~ 但依家個個park 岩岩先upgrade 完邊會咁快再update~? 講真WDC 同政府簽獨有咪又係得頭五年!! 根本係唔係全球獨有過左頭五年就冇作用~~
如果你係支持Star Wars~ 請將你ge 意見send 俾政府~ 只要一句「我支持」就非常足夠~ 唔需要一大段字俾好多理據~ 數據呢d 留返俾HKDL 同WDC 去present 就可以~
又如果你係有更多idea~ 都可以透過政府向WDC 反映提供下實質建議~ 唔好好似一眾議員咁為反對而反對...
如果你係支持Star Wars~ 請將你ge 意見send 俾政府~ 只要一句「我支持」就非常足夠~ 唔需要一大段字俾好多理據~ 數據呢d 留返俾HKDL 同WDC 去present 就可以~
又如果你係有更多idea~ 都可以透過政府向WDC 反映提供下實質建議~ 唔好好似一眾議員咁為反對而反對...