
基本上呢份小冊子個設計都係大同小異~ 都係入面一揭再揭~

活動內容~ d 字已經夠大隻... click 入去就睇到~ 我係鍾意呢d 有故事背景ge 鬼屋... HKDL 呢方面就真係做得好好~ 小鎮大街尾段出現一個缺口去返一百年前另一個西部小鎮ge 高雅酒店.... 人跡罕至的森林又出現一個缺口帶你進入探險家基地.... 黑暗力量召喚外星異族接近地球再令太空船失控撞落明日世界.... 全部故事都同個land 本身環境融合~ 一入去已經warm up 好~ (亦可以話個theme 受制肘.. )
線人影到火箭依家個情景.... 由counter 望過去宇宙深寒個位... 整幅牆封得好完美!!! 同周圍環境一樣~ 如果你係第一次入去火箭完全唔會發覺眼前幅牆原本係打通~!! 你只會埋怨點解間餐廳咁細~

Mickey Minnie~ 冇新衫??

如果Parade 有新野就好.... 唉..... 黑色世界要打出名堂已經冇難度~ 已經成功左一大半~ 因為夾住Disneyland 個招牌以「最驚嚇」為賣點~ 係香港人大陸人唔識得寶.... 要年年換晒新又要間間做得detail.... 叫政府俾多十億百億先~ 如果HKDL 係普通遊樂場.... 就冇咁多包伏la~ 但總要有取捨~
過往呢d 節日活動B san 都玩得唔多... 尤其鬼屋呢d 最多玩三兩次.... 有好多scene 都唔記得晒lu~ 今年更加係冇得玩.... 8月31 號la...
今日官網更新左~ 用太空船做背景~ (當然~ 唯一主打係太空船~) 未入去內容page 之前會有段好短ge 片.... 似係有兩個版本~ 拍得幾真實~~! 真係冇晒Disney 感覺~ 不過香港人就好受落~!

入到去就見到活動內容介紹... 我記得有一年好似係用蠟燭係古宅探險... 應該係第一年~ 上年同森林有關~

基本上d 字同之前press 都一樣.... 睇英文版... AL 得返兩個HKDL 原創Characters... GateKeepers 同Pirates... 南瓜人同壞蛋們湧晒入Fantasyland~~! 原來今年Fantasyland 都會加入埋黑色世界~ 保留Disney feel 的傳統慶祝Halloween 活動~ 希望係用黎試反應~ 下年FL 都會完全加入埋黑色世界~~~!!

商品... 好大隻南瓜史迪......

jack果d 就大同小異...
其實我一直都覺得好唔公平... 唔好忘記黑色世界... Glow in the Park 甚至全條Main Street 點解會搵左Jack 黎做主角?? 係因為06年怪誕節Jack d 貨品短時間內被搶購一空... 證明Jack 不比Stitch 遜色~ 但三年黎NBC d 貨完全不見得用心去設計... 出黎出去都差唔多款... 翻兜翻兜再翻兜....
Stitch 多款又得意... 能夠吸引到多人買唔係一件咁難預料ge 事ar~~ 假設HKDL 商品部真係以銷售數字黎決定一個人物將來出場機會... 到底你地有冇諗過一批貨受歡迎與否可能係同你地貨品Quality 有關~?? 相比之下Stitch 走樣情況極之輕微~ 你試下整到Stitch 對耳變小飛象對耳.. 對眼一高一低.. 睇下仲有冇人買~? 我真心好想買你d donald 公仔... 正版地方正版價但老翻質素..... (你睇下佢個樣... 根本就係俾人封住左個口臨死前極力掙扎咁款~) 你係我你買唔買得落手????
外星生物入侵 動機不明的「宇宙深寒」

荷里活導演及特技效果師 擅長拍攝驚慄電影
負責迪士尼黑色世界『宇宙深寒』電視廣告的荷里活導演Jim Sonzero向來以拍攝驚慄電影見稱,擁有多年電影製作經驗,著名電影作品包括《猛鬼寬頻》﹝Pulse﹞及《生化危機5》﹝Biohazard 5﹞等。另外,樂園亦特別從荷里活請來擁有超過15年經驗,曾為《刀鋒戰士》﹝Blade﹞、《英雄》﹝Heroes﹞及《無頭谷》﹝Sleepy Hollow﹞等電影製作特技化妝的特技效果師Gary J. Tunnicliffe,為這個電視廣告特別設計栩栩如生的異型服裝,並且來港參與演出。
以下係電影Pulse 預告片
導演Jim Sonzero指出:「這次很高興獲香港迪士尼樂園邀請,為他們拍攝全新的迪士尼黑色世界電視廣告,因為這是我第一次有機會將外星生物的靈感意念融入電視廣告裡面。為了將『宇宙深寒』的驚慄感覺,在短短的30秒內以富有電影感的手法演繹出來,我們在演出、故事節奏、場景設計、電影特技、燈光、道具以及服裝方面都非常考究,並且使用了美國最新的『RED』攝影技術,加上大量CG電腦動畫,給觀眾帶來荷里活電影質素的電視廣告。」
尋日頭條日報有黑色世界ge 全版廣告刊登左出黎~ 呢個排位好過上次果個公主廣告la~ (上次係油麻地商廈上樓旅行社廣告d 排法黎~) 圖多過字容易吸引到你注意~ 首先一見到座城堡已經知乜黎la~ 我懷疑因為呢個icon 令人一睇就知你個廣告賣乜.. 所以HKDL 次次活動首張官圖都係城堡做背景~ 鮮橙色又再引你注意夜票~~

自從HKDL 公佈左今年黑色世界活動後~ 消息又再次經互聯網散去其他disneyland forum~ 睇睇Disney and More 今日最新呢篇報導~ 網主以呢兩段開頭~
The new Hong Kong Disneyland Halloween season will begin September 18, and i must say that the guys who are in charge to find each year new ideas really amaze me. Each year they create a new concept, even more horrific and i really wish it could be the same in other parks where the Halloween decor is usually more or less the same each year.
This time they succeed - after Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy last year - to find a new concept for Tomorrowland with an "alien invasion"!
我地真係要向HKDL Entertainment 負責諗idea ge CM 講聲多謝~ 唔係因為佢地... 我地過去呢幾年唔會有咁多正野玩~~ Thank You Tom!!! 希望Halloween 後你會有更好ge 發展~~! 以下係網友留言~
1. Very interesting... The TV ad did give me a fright and I hope the halloween decor will also amaze me.
2. and whats in Paris? some pumpkins?
3. I have chills! =O I've been to DL and DLP during Halloween season and each time it looked like they just threw buckets of TNBC merchandise all over the place. But this is... promising!
4. In Hong Kong, Halloween is much much darker than in any other park and I think it is great. It is original, it is scary, this is what people want, instead of silly Mickey's Magical Parties and a wild selection of pumpkins and orange paint all over the place.
Disney should get rid of that childish imago they've gotten themselves into. Disney: Please, do something similar at Paris!
It would also help me to convince other people that Disney isn't just for children, but for anybody, just as Walt intended.
1. Wow!! Tomorrowland taken over by aliens? That's awesome!! Disneyland should definately do this, too!
2. Okay, that's AWESOME!!! Want, want, want.
1. I love this line up. I suppose they have to do stuff like this to make up for the lack of attractions. Disney parks are at their best at Halloween, no doubt.
2. I love how scary HKDL makes their Halloween events, awesome
3. Definitely HKDL does the scariest Halloweens out of the Disney Parks, its so much different from the other parks. I'd love to see what their Haunted Walkthroughs are like.
Also, I <3 the Glow in the Dark Parade.
呢d 都係截至我打呢篇blog 時網友對迪士尼黑色世界ge 讚美說話~ (當中都有人唱反調話HKDL 走呢條路係唔正確~ 不過so far 呢幾年都係讚ge 多好多~)
07/09/2009 電視廣告
終於都放出黎了~ 遲d 先講感想~ 今天的重點是下面果篇WDI 介紹Mystic Manor~~ 請睇!!

荷里活導演及特技效果師 擅長拍攝驚慄電影
負責迪士尼黑色世界『宇宙深寒』電視廣告的荷里活導演Jim Sonzero向來以拍攝驚慄電影見稱,擁有多年電影製作經驗,著名電影作品包括《猛鬼寬頻》﹝Pulse﹞及《生化危機5》﹝Biohazard 5﹞等。另外,樂園亦特別從荷里活請來擁有超過15年經驗,曾為《刀鋒戰士》﹝Blade﹞、《英雄》﹝Heroes﹞及《無頭谷》﹝Sleepy Hollow﹞等電影製作特技化妝的特技效果師Gary J. Tunnicliffe,為這個電視廣告特別設計栩栩如生的異型服裝,並且來港參與演出。
以下係電影Pulse 預告片

自從HKDL 公佈左今年黑色世界活動後~ 消息又再次經互聯網散去其他disneyland forum~ 睇睇Disney and More 今日最新呢篇報導~ 網主以呢兩段開頭~
The new Hong Kong Disneyland Halloween season will begin September 18, and i must say that the guys who are in charge to find each year new ideas really amaze me. Each year they create a new concept, even more horrific and i really wish it could be the same in other parks where the Halloween decor is usually more or less the same each year.
This time they succeed - after Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy last year - to find a new concept for Tomorrowland with an "alien invasion"!
我地真係要向HKDL Entertainment 負責諗idea ge CM 講聲多謝~ 唔係因為佢地... 我地過去呢幾年唔會有咁多正野玩~~ Thank You Tom!!! 希望Halloween 後你會有更好ge 發展~~! 以下係網友留言~
1. Very interesting... The TV ad did give me a fright and I hope the halloween decor will also amaze me.
2. and whats in Paris? some pumpkins?
3. I have chills! =O I've been to DL and DLP during Halloween season and each time it looked like they just threw buckets of TNBC merchandise all over the place. But this is... promising!
4. In Hong Kong, Halloween is much much darker than in any other park and I think it is great. It is original, it is scary, this is what people want, instead of silly Mickey's Magical Parties and a wild selection of pumpkins and orange paint all over the place.
Disney should get rid of that childish imago they've gotten themselves into. Disney: Please, do something similar at Paris!
It would also help me to convince other people that Disney isn't just for children, but for anybody, just as Walt intended.
1. Wow!! Tomorrowland taken over by aliens? That's awesome!! Disneyland should definately do this, too!
2. Okay, that's AWESOME!!! Want, want, want.
1. I love this line up. I suppose they have to do stuff like this to make up for the lack of attractions. Disney parks are at their best at Halloween, no doubt.
2. I love how scary HKDL makes their Halloween events, awesome
3. Definitely HKDL does the scariest Halloweens out of the Disney Parks, its so much different from the other parks. I'd love to see what their Haunted Walkthroughs are like.
Also, I <3 the Glow in the Dark Parade.
呢d 都係截至我打呢篇blog 時網友對迪士尼黑色世界ge 讚美說話~ (當中都有人唱反調話HKDL 走呢條路係唔正確~ 不過so far 呢幾年都係讚ge 多好多~)
07/09/2009 電視廣告
終於都放出黎了~ 遲d 先講感想~ 今天的重點是下面果篇WDI 介紹Mystic Manor~~ 請睇!!