Facility Project Management Manager
Project Management Coordinator
Manager, Architectural & Facility Engineering
Architectural Designer
要用到Architectural Designer!?!? 擴建唔係已經塵埃落定??? 仲要design d 乜?? 不妨睇埋入面responsibilities 同requirements.....
Responsible for the delivery of all architectural design aspects from conceptual design to construction detailing through multi-disciplinary team works for integrated facility projects (including additions, alterations and improvement projects) of existing assets and facilities.
Collaborate and coordinate with the end-users, project planning & management teams, consultants, contractors and relevant government departments to produce design packages that are cost effective, fully integrated among different disciplines and met the preset design, quality and operation requirements and within budget
講明職務要由conceptual design 變完成品~ 仲要同contractors & 政府有聯繫.....
5 to 10 years relevant experience with minimum 5 years experience in architectural or interior design on hotel/commercial projects
hotel/commercial projects!!!!!!!!
搬字過「址」from 官網~
下面果堆我乜都冇講到~ 只係quote 左d 字出黎~ 唔好將來話B san 亂爆料爆錯晒~~ 我都唔知佢地請黎做乜ge~ (所以分類唔係擴建~) 可能係就算已經有Concept arts 同blueprints.. 都要有個識得睇呢d 圖ge 人睇下有冇出入.. 臨時有改動都要識得design~ (亦可能只係搵人設計大街酒店~
前面若干年相關經驗.. 後面specific 最少幾多年係某個範疇ge 經驗~ 記唔記得臨通過注資前果日有新傳聞~?? 你又get 到係乜意思先???
總之... 大家等左好耐ge 事... 逐步迫近中~