原定2015 - 2016 年擴建設施Star Tours - The Adventures Continue 因為某d 原因而擱置~ 同先前報導結合資訊後估計是次擱置係因為園方擴建方針突然出現改變~ 而呢個改變未必係差ge~ 有可能會係另一個site 甚至係第二期起新park~ 估計現階段係Tomorrowland 呢個位以其他plan 取代Star Tours 呢個計畫ge 機會甚微~ 但至於新計畫詳情呢... 請留待更多消息~

其實呢一次update 係唔關Star Tours 事ge.. 不過大家記憶猶新就係呢度講埋~ 今日小弟收到個好震撼ge 消息... 而且同之前傳聞又係合理地link 得埋~ 呢份係一份好好ge 生日禮物~ 我完全冇預計到樂園會咁快行呢一步~ (係諗住起碼都五至十年後)~ 雖然呢步同擴建係無直接關係~ 但會影響到整個渡假區發展!!
唔講咁多~ 等多陣la~~
尋日作為一個THEME PARK 同Disneyland fans 最大件事就係... Disney 已經宣佈收購左LucasFilm... 呢間電影公司拍過Star Wars 同Indiana Jones attractions... 有網友報料WDC chief executive Bob Iger 講左以下呢番說話...
" "On the parks front, there are four very successful attractions. Two of them were recently redone, in Florida and in California. The reaction to them has been great,” Iger said during the question-and-answer part of the call. “We have ample opportunity to expand the presence of this franchise in our parks or to actually include this franchise in our parks. Hong Kong and Shanghai, obviously, would come to mind. But there’s room to grow what we’ve already got, so we feel particularly good about that.”
睇到粗字體兩個地方... 係咪即係Star Tours 又重新有機會再上談判桌??
為左令大家更易理解同時又可以唔爆料~ 會以以下代號代替~
A=Star Wars Themed Ride
B=Theme B
C=Theme C
聽說.... (當然一如以往~ 都只係聽說而唔代表傳聞準確~ 所以都唔需要深究消息來源~) 原定Plan A係計畫設於位置1~ 但期後事情有變令到計畫擱置... 出現左計劃B... 而再發展落去計劃B亦由擬定位置1改到位置2... 位置1呢個位就以計畫C補上...
wow~ 有左代號果然變得好易講~ 所以.... 如果Star Wars 個plan (Star Wars Theme 唔一定係Star Tours~!!) 重新被搬出黎~ 即係Theme B or C 當中一個會被殺~ 而既然依家已經唔一定係Star Tours~ 咁擬定地點亦都唔再局限於位置1~
呢篇就當係留record 之用~