
傳聞: 上海迪士尼將加入Marvel 設施

一直有留意開Theme Park 新聞的讀者們一定會記得Walt Disney Company 早前用40億美元收購左Marvel 漫畫旗下過千個英雄人物同角色~ 消息一傳出後好多人都驚Disneyland 會被呢班「英雄」大肆破壞~

當然如果閣下有呢個諗法就大錯特錯... 因為幻想工程師絕對唔會俾呢d 事情發生... 佢地連一條同周邊環境唔match theme 的水管渠口都唔想俾你見到~ 更何況呢班會影響到幻想的人物~? 要加入呢班同Disneyland 格格不入的人物同ride... 最簡單的方法除左係Studio Park 加入外... 就莫過於....
由仍然籌備中的Disneyland 入手!
Screamscape 消息~
(10/22/09) A Screamscape sources tell us that Disney has asked the Imagineers to start studying up the huge collection of Marvel Comics characters and stories. Don't get your hopes up just yet for any new attractions stateside however, as they tell us that the first Disney park that could get new Marvel based attractions will likely be the new Shanghai park.
似乎相比之下.... 上海比香港迪士尼更獨有~
