
WDI 介紹Mystic Manor

聽日雪亮聖誕就係Media Day~ 今日不如又俾我休息一下~ 但係關於迪士尼ge 新料仍然會繼續送上~!! 今日會轉載一篇有關HKDL 擴建三寶最令人期待的Mystic Manor~ LA Times 訪問左有份參與呢個project ge WDI Dustin Schofield 叫佢透露一下每個場景有乜特別之處~

Mystic Manor takes visitors on a circa-1908 tour of an ancient artifact collection belonging to a world-renowned adventurer and explorer. Inside the Victorian home on a remote jungle hilltop, Lord Henry Mystic's museum comes alive when his mischievous monkey opens an enchanted music box.

再有一個新的資料~ 係山頂黎~ 咁近火車軌個落貨區應該唔會係碼頭吧??

Set to open as early as 2013, Mystic Manor is part of a nearly $500-million expansion at Hong Kong Disneyland that calls for the addition of three themed lands.

Mystic Manor will serve as the Chinese theme park's ghost-less Haunted Mansion, with tributes to the classic Disney attractions Indiana Jones Adventure and Enchanted Tiki Room included throughout the ride.

Spoiler Alert: Join us as Disney Imagineer Dustin Schofield, who worked on Mystic Manor, takes us on a scene-by-scene tour of the new attraction:

Photos of Lord Mystic, posing with his ever-present pet monkey, Albert, line the waiting area.

排隊區都已經講緊Story~ 同一間大家係電視電影入面見到ge 大宅冇分別~ 又或者大街酒店個格局都係咁la~ 入口會有好多相俾你睇~ 交代一下到底你身處咩地方~

A slide show narrated by Lord Mystic previews the rooms on the tour and highlights the latest addition to the collection — an enchanted music box with magical powers that must be opened very carefully.

slide show??? 唔知講解果陣會唔會三種語言一齊廣播呢??? (其實依家個版本冇晒鬼係咪車上面都唔會有narration?? 咁都應該可以解決到三語問題~)

Loading area
Visitors board turn-of-the-century horseless carriages in the artifact loading dock.

The catalog room
Albert the monkey opens the uncrated music box. The escaping magic dust enchants the artifacts in the room, bringing them to life.

The music room
The magic dust animates the musical instruments, which add to the overall score of the ride. Albert, who will pop up in every scene, watches with wonder and amazement.

新料黎~ 原來Albert 個個scene 都會出現~~! 咁呢個ride 就吸引好多~! 因為多左好多Audio Animatronics~~!

The Greco Roman room
The paintings and audio-animatronic statues come to life. An amphora with Hercules battling a lion rocks and spins as the riders pass.

又有新料~ Hercules 大戰獅子會攻擊到遊客架車~ 搞到架車旋轉~! 原來一上車就即刻顯現出無軌system 的特性~!! 又加分!!

The conservatory
In a transition room, Albert tries to reach a bunch of bananas as a giant Venus flytrap nips at his tail.

新料~! WDI 好detail 講左成個溫室入面會有乜~ Albert 為食想偷香蕉而被食人花咬條尾~ Venus flytrap 就係以下呢種植物...

呢一段真係唔知道係咪cut 左~ 因為之前D23 Expo 果陣話過溫室已經因為budget 問題cut 左~ 而Disney 都冇放過呢個Scene ge Concept Art 出黎... 個問題就黎la... 到底依家呢段訪問拎返個溫室出黎原因係....

A) WDI 決定還返呢個場景俾我地
B) 呢篇訪問其實擺左係櫃桶底幾個月
C) 受訪者Dustin Schofield 只係將原本個idea 講返出黎
D) 問題字眼在於transition room~ 會唔會將一個scene 濃縮到得返好少地方但保留返原作精髓??
E) 定係由此至終呢個Scene 都係度但因為太小兒科又唔當係大scene 所以冇講過???

The Nordic room
A Nordic god in a painting on the wall blows at the riders, filling the freezing cold room with special-effects smoke.

新料~ 原來係畫又唔係像~!!

The armory
A cannon blast knocks the ride vehicle backward. Albert ducks to avoid decapitation by a sword-wielding samurai warrior.

新料~ 大炮係射到架車向後退~ 士兵只係攻擊Albert~

The Egyptian room
A mummy and scarab beetles come to life. Suddenly, the lights go out and the bugs fly at the riders through the darkness.

新料!!! 原來呢個scene 重點係甲蟲 (真係好Mummy feel~~!) 熄燈你會感覺到一大群甲蟲係室內飛黎飛去~~! 唔好講笑~! 其實好多人怕蟲ga~~ 以下呢隻就係scarab beetles~ 好surprise! 原本我只係以為得Mummy 掙扎!!! 又加左分!!!!

The tribal room
A two-story-tall tiki statue spews lava from its mouth as flames warm the room. Tribal gods blow darts at the riders, nailing Albert to the wall.

冇新料~ 不過我之前好似冇係度講過個像噴出溶岩令到室內氣溫急升吧~? (睇圖都睇到la~ B san 唔好當我地係傻!!) 其實Mystic Manor 係度玩緊冰火~~~!

The Chinese room
A golden statue of a monkey king twirls a staff to create a turbulent vortex, causing the ride vehicles to spin around the room.

Return to the catalog room
As chaos threatens to destroy the collection, Albert slams shut the enchanted music box and life returns to normal inside the manor.

Unloading area
Lord Mystic welcomes his visitors back, unaware of the bedlam that has just unfolded.

呢一篇都多左幾多我地之前未知道ge 新資料la 係咪~? 大家依家知道Mystic Manor 越來越detail~ 係咪越來越期待呢?? 呢個就係HKDL 又要學習ge 事~ 每隔一段時間逐少逐少咁放d 新料出黎就可以令到人保持對你ge 期待度~ 甚至可以增加到期待度tim~

點解關於HKDL 擴建ge 資料我地每次都要靠越洋傳媒話返俾我地知???? 好難怪班議員話你~ 什麼雙重標準叫人唔好洩露資料自己就爆晒~ well.... 美國果邊不嬲乜都自爆~ 香港仲未接到軌....

All artwork: copyright Disney - Disney Enterprises, Andy Castro and Disney and more
